Stop the Upper Burdekin/ Gawara Baya wind development!

Stop the Upper Burdekin/ Gawara Baya wind development!

image of Stop the Upper Burdekin/ Gawara Baya wind development!

Windlab's proposed Gawara Baya/ Upper Burdekin wind development, North Queensland, is arguably one of the most ecologically catastrophic developments currently on the table for Australia.

If approved, this wind development will result in vast swathes of ancient, irreplaceable and world-class North Qld wilderness becoming fragmented, degraded and destroyed for long haulage roads and other infrastructure. 69 x up to 300 metre high wind turbines will displace critically endangered wildlife and kill aerial species. Workers camps will be constructed on remnant wilderness to host the large workforce. The site will become an industrial energy zone with no place for wildlife ...

Windlab's proposed Gawara Baya/ Upper Burdekin wind development, North Queensland, is arguably one of the most ecologically catastrophic developments currently on the table for Australia.

If approved, this wind development will result in vast swathes of ancient, irreplaceable and world-class North Qld wilderness becoming fragmented, degraded and destroyed for long haulage roads and other infrastructure. 69 x up to 300 metre high wind turbines will displace critically endangered wildlife and kill aerial species. Workers camps will be constructed on remnant wilderness to host the large workforce. The site will become an industrial energy zone with no place for wildlife.

Koalas, sharman’s rock wallabies, greater gliders, red goshawks and more inhabit this remote landscape. Their peace will be destroyed and they will be displaced and killed if the development is approved. Set 5km from the southern end of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, the proposed wind farm will be sited on a critical wildlife corridor.

Be a friend of nature and say NO to the Gawara Baya/ Upper Burdekin wind farm.


Stop the Upper Burdekin/Gawara Baya wind development!

The proposed Upper Burdekin/ Gawara Baya wind development, North Queensland, is one of the most ecologically catastrophic developments currently on the table for Australia.

If approved, it will result in vast swathes of ancient, unique and irreplaceable wilderness becoming fragmented, degraded and destroyed for vast haulage roads up to 50m wide. This is not climate action!

69 x up to 300 metre high wind turbines will displace critically endangered wildlife and kill aerial species. Edge effects will impact wildlife, change behaviour and potientially impact breeding cycles. To make matters worse, the wind farm will be built in the middle of a giant wildlife corridor. Sheer madness.

Incredibly, a critical koala population was discovered to inhabit the wind farm site by the proponent's ecologists. Mothers were spotted with joeys on their back. This is a thriving population of Endangered koalas living remotely, in peace. This would make the news if it was near a capital city, but here in North Queensland, this remarkable discovery is ignored. This vital population may be imperative to the longterm survival of this beloved species. This habitat must not be disturbed.

These precious Endangered koalas are now threatened by habitat destruction, pest invasion and car strike should the Gawara Baya/ Upper Burdekin wind farm be approved. Low decibel sound of spinning wind turbines may mask mating bellows and repel them from the area. Other threatened wildlife may be driven away by the sound of turbines - the science doesn't exist so we just don't know.

Sharman’s rock wallabies, greater gliders, red goshawks, magnificent broodfrogs and other critically endangered species inhabit and forage in this unique landscape. This place is simply remarkable for the amount of threatened species it harbors.

It needs to become a National Park, not a wind farm.

Say NO to the development. Let's stand up for nature and protect what's left.

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Emails are far more effective when written from the heart using your own voice and perspective. But here are some ideas to get you going!

- Sharman's rock wallabies have a very small range. Their habitat is severly at risk from numerous proposed wind farms in NQ, particularly Upper Burdekin/ Gawara Baya.

- our little known North Queensland koalas are important and genetically significant. Their lives and their habitat should be protected, not sacrificed for wind development.

- wilderness is natural capital and should be preserved for future generations

- remnant forest is already combatting climate change by cooling the earth, sequestering moisture and absorbing carbon dioxide

- Upper Burdekin/ Gawara Baya wind farm site is a biodiversity hotspot and should be a National Park not a wind farm